Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Position Statement

  Due to the similar, numerous deaths. The state should be held responsible for all of them. There is a lack of signs at tourist attractions. The death of 29-year-old Paula Ramirez and 35-year-old Elizabeth Brem at Opaekaa Falls that occurred in 2006 was one of the deaths that was caused because no sign was posted. One reason why the state is held liable for this is because they did not place a sign that addressed the right side of the trail and did not warn them of other signage on right side. The state only placed a sign on the left side of the trail advising people to keep out.

  In 2002, 18-year-old Daniel Dick from Sylmar, California died when he straddled the explosive water spout at the Halon Blowhole. He was lifted three to five feet into the air and dropped head first on a rocky crevice. This accident is the states fault as well because the only warning sign that was posted was located at the blowhole parking lot. However, Dick had walked to the blowhole site along the shoreline from Sandy Beach, which was not equipped with signage. 

  In Hawaii, we have a lot of beautiful sites that tourist want to go to. Although, due to the lack of warning signs. Tourist lost their loved ones.

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