Tuesday, August 28, 2012

College Topics/Links

Q: What obstacles have you overcome?

CSUN (California State University Northridge) - http://www.csun.edu/
UCI (University of California Irvine) - http://www.uci.edu/index.php
UW (University of Washington) - http://www.washington.edu/

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Rough Draft (COA)

  There I was in the corner of the classroom in 2003, while all the other first graders talked to each other, laughing and smiling. Me, Taira Guzman out of all people was a very very shy person. I didn't like to converse with other people. I would always go to class by myself, eat lunch by myself, and did group projects alone. I always had a mind set that no one liked me but, I wasn't for sure why. With that in mind, I distanced myself from people and sometimes teachers as well. The year 2007, was the year that everything changed.

  I arrived bright and early for the first day of school. It was humid yet windy. As soon as I walked around the corner, a small mob of people came towards me and I panicked. My head went blank and I felt as if I was trapped in a block of ice. They crashed into me and hugged me like there was no tomorrow. "Taira I missed you!" "How was your summer?! I missed you soo much!" "Wow, you changed a lot!" I could hear them yelling all these words as if I was a celebrity. Although, I stood there as if no one was there but me.

  The bell rang and everyone ran to class yet, I was still standing there like a statue. That was until the principal shook me and asked me if everything was okay and to get to class. "RING. . RING!! OK, class we are going to do a..." *The metal door slams wide open and everyone turns around to look at the door* There I stood with wide eyes and a red face. "Sorry I'm late! I just got caught up with some stuff" I said. As I sat down in my seat, one of my classmates from my first grade year spoke to me and said, "It's okay Taira. Everyone has their moments". From that point on, I became more social with people.

  The year 2009, my 7th grade year I attended a private school called Word Of Life Academy (WOLA). I talked to anyone and everyone that was either in my class or friends with my sister. I was able to be comfortable with being myself around people, well my friends for that matter. 

  Now that I'm 14 going on 15, I've grown up and realized that it's good to step out of your comfort zone so that you can experience new things. Just like how I became more sociable with other people. I've also realized that when your in a world of loneliness, you don't have that friend to comfort you through your agonizing pain.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Position Statement

  Due to the similar, numerous deaths. The state should be held responsible for all of them. There is a lack of signs at tourist attractions. The death of 29-year-old Paula Ramirez and 35-year-old Elizabeth Brem at Opaekaa Falls that occurred in 2006 was one of the deaths that was caused because no sign was posted. One reason why the state is held liable for this is because they did not place a sign that addressed the right side of the trail and did not warn them of other signage on right side. The state only placed a sign on the left side of the trail advising people to keep out.

  In 2002, 18-year-old Daniel Dick from Sylmar, California died when he straddled the explosive water spout at the Halon Blowhole. He was lifted three to five feet into the air and dropped head first on a rocky crevice. This accident is the states fault as well because the only warning sign that was posted was located at the blowhole parking lot. However, Dick had walked to the blowhole site along the shoreline from Sandy Beach, which was not equipped with signage. 

  In Hawaii, we have a lot of beautiful sites that tourist want to go to. Although, due to the lack of warning signs. Tourist lost their loved ones.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Revision Process

Q: What changes did you make and how does the new header show your skill in graphic design? How did you organize your blog archive?
I made a photoshop image to replace my title and changed the design of my blog to something simple. I also changed the background, text and link colors so that it will match with each other. I had to chose carefully because I didn't want a plain nor a 'crazy' colored blog. I organized my blog archive from oldest posts to newest posts. So on my blog, it shows 2011 and 2012. Each one has a list of months and whatever month appears under that certain year is when i created my posts. It also shows the amount of posts I've made during that month.